Congratulations to the 2024 NSCA duPont Krieghoff All State Team!
Open Gary Fitzjarrell
Open John Butler
Open Troy E Thompson
Open Daniel P Grebel
Open Brendan J Pacocha
Lady Sarah L Gaylord
Sub Junior Gary W Fitzjarrell
Veteran Brad Davis
Super Veteran Joseph H Breskovich
Sr. Super Veteran Glenn Jurek
M Class Andy Ackmann
AA Class Alex Rolando
A Class James F Young
B Class Rusty McKinney
C Class Paul Prudden
D Class Harrison C York
E Class Robert M Buhs
Thanks to duPont Krieghoff
Per the NSCA website:
"The NSCA annually selects an All-State Team for each state, consisting of 19 shooters each: 5 shooters from the Open category, 1 from each class, and 1 from each concurrent. Team selection priority is Open, concurrent, then class.
Shooters who have been selected for the Krieghoff or FITASC All-American or All-Region Team are NOT eligible for All-State teams.
Mandatory participation in the State Championship is required for All-State honors. If there was not a State Championship, no team will be selected for that state. The NSCA All-State Team may be in addition to any team that may have been selected by the State Association.
Selection is based on wins, state shoot score, and total shoot performance. Team selection for each class is based on a shooter’s beginning year class. To be eligible for the Open team, shooters must have attained Master or AA classification by year-end. End-of-year residence determines state status.
Any individual must have shot a minimum of 500 registered targets within the home state to make the duPont/Krieghoff All-State Team. Each team is based on the previous year’s shooting."